AXIS EnterpriseLink for Managers
Portal to user group and work flow management
EnterpriseLink user group management areaprovides control overusers' access to work areas and actions that the members of the group are required to perform. Custom permissions can be assigned to work areas, report libraries, jobs and other components of the system to help segregate duties and allow access to necessary tools forcorresponding groups of users.
One place to find all components of your AXIS work
AXIS EnterpriseLink dashboard is a starting point for your work with datasets, backups, input and output files, import/export databases, and reports.
Single point access to all great tools AXIS EnterpriseLink offers
Application automatically customizes the layout presented in the dashboard to provide you with direct access to all AXIS versions anda variety of tools you need based on your role in the system.

Automated deployment and license key management
You don't have to worry about AXIS keys and multiple installations - EnterpriseLink provides an automated way to install required AXIS versions in the dedicated server directory and update license keys.
Control over user groups access to specific AXIS versions
You can easily grant a user group access to required AXIS versions. As a result, themembers of the group can only run the versions they need for their work.
Direct access to AXIS version release notes
You can find sample datasets on a selected AXIS version screen and copy them to your work area folder. A direct link brings you to a list of new features and changes introduced in the selected version.

Configurable work areas for your datasets, files, and calculation results
Structure your data work areas for your team to allow your users to find their datasets and files easily by navigating just the work areas allocated for their group. No more guessing where users should place data and the backups. You can create a hierarchy of folders and subfolders to logically structure the data areas to better match the work flow.
Easily share your data within your team
Datasets, input and output files, queries and reports, as well as dataset backup archives are easily shared by all members of the user group via commonwork areas shown in the application dashboard.
Protect access to selected work areas
Control access to work areas using custom roles and permissions. This helps achieve segregation of duties and a security level required for compliance by auditors.
Log messages and notes documenting all AXIS work
Messages generated by the system as a result of user actions performed in the work areas are captured and presented for your review in the logs. You can create and post notes to document your work in each folder. The dashboard offers you a filtered view for the notes and log messages with various details about various events in the system.
Integration with Microsoft Office tools
Automatically open any file stored in your work area folders in associated applications such as Microsoft Excel or Access right from the AXIS EnterpriseLink dashboard.
Control over other users access to data stored in your work area
Customize permissions to allow only the actions that are required for the desired work flow to be performed by members of different user groups on datasets and files in your work areas and backup archives.

Control over user roles with fine-grained permission sets for various actions throughout the system
The variety of actions EnterpriseLink users are allowed to perform are defined by the role (or multiple roles) assigned to theiruser group. A role is a set of permissions that defines what users can or cannot do in the system.
Vendor defined and customized user roles
AXIS EnterpriseLink comes with only one pre-defined role for initial administration. You can create new custom roles to reflect segregation of duties required for your environment. These custom roles can be assigned to the user groups to provide them with corresponding access level to the tools and work areas.

User group access to work area supervision
User group management area helps implement the desired work flow by allowing you to grant access to required work areas.
User group role management
User groups can be assigned one or multiple custom roles. Resulting set of permissions will determine what actions members of the group are allowed to perform.
Configure and control access to system tools and resources
Assign GridLink farm queues, map paths to persistent backup storage and control access to other system tools and resources from one central place.

Centralized repository for AXIS dataset and EnterpriseLink Job revisions
Check your datasets and Jobs in to the EnterpriseLink version control repository and maintain the revision history for each dataset and Job. Check the datasets out for editing or get a copy of any version of the dataset down to your work area folder for testing or production runs. Check your Job out to proceed with the script development or get a copy of any version of the Job for a test run.
History view and versions comparator
Review the history of "check-ins" for a dataset and/or Job under version control and compare any two selected versions to see what changes were made between them. Powerful dataset comparator tool performs quick and accurate dataset comparisons and provides you with a clear interface for easy analysis of differences found between all types of dataset objects. You can also compare Jobs to see the changes in the script and property values, and Global Parameters associated per Job.
Report on changes
Version Control database stores dates and times when datasets and/or jobs were added or their versions were checked in, along with the name of the user and notepads for each version. The ability to track and report on changes helps comply with auditors' requirements.
Control access to projects
Assign which user group is allowed to check out and check in datasets and Jobs or get their selected version copies from specific version control projects.

Integration with multiple AXIS GridLink farms
Through its administrative dashboard AXIS EnterpriseLink allows an authorised user to easily perform a setup required for integration with multiple GridLink farms.
Submit jobs to a GridLink queue or run locally
AXIS EnterpriseLink controls user group access to AXIS GridLink farms. Once a user group is granted a right to use the GridLink queue(s), users can choose to submit their batch to the GridLink farm queue or run it on one of the EnterpriseLink servers.
Monitor jobs right from EnterpriseLink dashboard
Monitor active jobs running on EnterpriseLink servers or in any of your GridLink job queues right from the dashboard and viewthe completed jobs list and their batch logs.

Scripted jobs to perform sequences of calculations or processes
AXIS users have already benefited from the ability to write their own AXIS Script (similar to Visual Basic for Applications - VBA) in a System Formula. EnterpriseLink provides a central place to create and execute scripts right from the user dashboard. These jobs are especially suited for production processes but can also be written by the user to perform various service tasks such as backing up datasets or converting datasets to newer versions of AXIS.
Predefined job parameters for automated runs without manual intervention
Assign AXIS version, work area/folder to run a job. Control which user can edit the job script or its parameters. This provides the ability to run jobs without having to open datasets or job scripts, as well to perform fully automated runs viathe built-in job scheduler.
Sample Jobs Library
Review Sample Jobs scripts to analyze the most often used functions/commands for maintenance and production runs. Copy thesample script into a new job and edit it to use with yourdatasets and/or enhance it with the functions specific for your needs.
Job Sets
Group EnterpriseLink Jobs based on the area of implementation, whether Test or Production or any other functional area. Grouping Jobs into sets ensures ease of access and control over User actions on Jobs in various Sets.

Centralized repository for scriptedproduction and maintenance jobs for automating AXIS runs
EnterpriseLink jobs module provides you with a simple interface to the scripted jobs repository. It enables you to edit, schedule and monitor automated runs.
Job Scheduling mechanism
EnterpriseLink introduces an easy-to-use interface for scheduling automated runs. You can set a date and time for job execution, establish the frequency to run with and select the AXIS version and the computer on which the job will run.
Job monitoring and history
You can monitor the status and progress of running jobs, including jobs running on GridLink and review the history of completed jobs and their batch logs right on the AXIS EnterpriseLink dashboard.

Visual query builder for complex data mining
AXIS EnterpriseLink Query Tool is a powerful component for extracting information from various data sources. Graphical interface lets you build queries in a visual manner. Various database objects can be dragged and dropped into a query editor to develop advanced queries. Advanced query features are available via direct SQL editing.
Comprehensive Data Viewer
Query results can be further manipulated according to your requirements. Multiple-column sorting or grouping, column navigation, horizontal and vertical split views, etc. give you a rich set of tools to customize dataviews.
Centralized reports library
You can create multiple report libraries to organize your queries and reports by projects. These libraries allow you to share queries you created with other users. You can control which user group can access your report library for editing or executing queries.

Connect to EnterpriseLink's own SQL Server database
Query various internal configuration tables, logs, user and object lists to produce numerous administrative reports.

Utilize GridLink capacity on-demand
Easily submit AXIS batch jobs to our GridLink Cloud for processing in our GridLink farm. Pay only for the core-hours used to run your jobs.
Full-time GridLink Hosting
Your GridLink farm with guaranteed number of processor cores and job queues can be fully hosted and managed in our Cloud environment. Accessible by your users 24/7/365 to run unlimited number of jobs for a fixed monthly service fee.
Secure, reliable and convenient
Our Cloud Services are built with security in mind; with fundamental architectural requirements such as full separation of data and access permissions, and use of industry standard encryption and secure transfer protocols and authentication technologies. Easy-to-use web based portal is provided to monitor running jobs, review run information and batch logs and access calculated AXIS results.