Reporting in AXIS
AXIS is a vendor-maintained system, offering the users the security of locked code. This enables us to efficiently improve system design for the benefit of all users. Combined with our philosophy of a single version system integrating multiple actuarial applications and incorporating user requests, the result has been continuous growth in the flexibility and power of the system. However, with the commitment to vendor-maintained system design, user control and flexibility over the generation of reports by the system is a necessity.
Reporting is not only focused on the end results of the specific model run, and the packaging of those results for either end users or downstream systems and databases. We use the term transparency to refer to the overall capability of users to extract as needed intermediate calculation steps that demonstrate the intermediate steps of all calculations, the underlying cash flows, the impact on survivorship of decrement and other assumptions, and generally all results that enable users to gain confidence in the model calculations and perform detailed model validation.